This week’s “Food for Thought” post

Week 1 

Welcome to this Week’s “Food for Thought” 

Week 1

Qutb’s Extreme Belief

The Distortion of Islamic Doctrine

A sample of Qutb’s dangerous statement
 (Arabic text) and its translation show the extent of wrong understanding of Islam by one of the Muslim Brotherhood prominent leader, Sayyed Qutb. 

Sayyed Qutb’s Arabic Statement:

Translation of Sayyed Qutb Arabic Statement:
“It was not the intent of Islam to force people to embrace its belief since Islam is not just a belief. Islam as we stated, is an order made to liberate man from being subservient to man, therefore, Islam’s first goal is to oust all governing systems and regimes that are based on people ruling people, and man ruling man. Then, all peoples shall be set free to choose the religion they like, but only after they remove the political pressure, and after allowing their soul and minds to see a clear knowledge.” Qutb continued to state, “However, this experience should not mean that they are free to choose their whims as god or choose to be slaves or subservient [to other men], or take each other as lords, other than God. Any governing system on Earth must be based on “slavery to God only,” and be receiving instructions only from Him, only under such governing system people can choose their religions freely.” (Sayyid Qutb, Milestones on the Road, pg 71)

Qutb’s statement is not just false, but also contradictory and confusing. First, Qutb infers that Islam forces people to embrace it. His statement is in direct conflict with the undisputable Qur’anic injunctions of freedom of belief. 

Second, Qutb dangerously directed generations of young Muslims’ minds into a wrong “first priority of eradicating all governments.” This false principle has made much of the world’s governments, especially the West fear Islam. Muslims’ mission in life is to show the people of the world the compassion and mercy of Islam and to draw people to it, not rebuff them from it. Allah SWT reveal:

(O Glorious Messenger!) Invite towards the path of your Lord with wisdom and refined exhortation and (also) argue with them in a most decent manner. Surely, your Lord knows well the one who strayed away from His path, and He also knows well the rightly guided. Qur’an 16:125

Thirdly, Sayyid Qutb seems to dictate on the people of the world to run their lives, when Allah created all people free.

Orientation of the Muslim Brotherhood and the Delusion of Establishing an Islamic State (Caliphate)

The collapse of the Islamic Outman Empire (1923), was a trigger point for a variety of Muslim thinkers, trained in Islamic Jurisprudence and otherwise in finding ways to recreate the Khilafa. Some writer, such as Abu al-Ala al-Mawdudi (d.1979), influenced by Jamal al-Din al-Afghani (d. 1897), pointed out that the road to reestablishing the Caliphate could be by the founding of a new Muslim state or reclaiming existing ones. Others, such as Muhammad Abdoh, along with other Azhar scholars, who represented the mainstream Ummah at the time, maintained that a grass-route system is deemed necessary to rebuild the faith and moral characters of the Ummah and that Caliphate is part of that system.

In 1928, a teacher, Hassan al-Banna (d. 1966), only a 22 years old managed to split from the Ummah and establish the Muslim Brotherhood party, despite the fact that he was told by his teachers that his action was against the Islamic ethics. By creating a new Muslim party, you are splitting from the Ummah. “You can be one of two: you can either be part of the Ummah or you are different than the Ummah.” Hassan al-Banna, in this case opted to be part that is ‘different than the Ummah.’ He insisted on continuing the organization of the new Muslim Brotherhood party. The party’s by-laws and policies were politically ingrained, adapting the top-down approach method taught by Jamal al-Din al-Afghani (d. 1897) and Abu al-Ala al-Mawdudi (d.1979) for founding the Islamic state. Dr. Aboul Fadel, Abou El Fadl in his book, “The Great Theft Wrestling Islam from the Extremists,” states: “It is not surprising that neither al-Afgani nor Mawdudi were trained jurists.”

Since in their views, there was no longer an Islamic state in existence, Hasan al-Banna and Sayyed Qutb, found it more lucrative and easy to establish an Islamic state by taking over existing government, than assuming the harder and more intensive labor in building faith and morality demanded in the grassroots option. What might happen if one attempts to build the pyramids of Egypt’s in an upside down manner? The answer is very simple; all one needs to do is see the chaotic situation of the Middle East today. Every since the Muslim Brotherhood was established in the 1950’s, the Middle East has been experiencing an ongoing violence, assassinations, bloodshed, and cups. In Syria alone, for example, ten cups and 18 cup attempts were made between 1958 and 1970. Not to mentioning three major armed-revolution attempts; two in Hamah and one in Damascus conducted by the Muslim Brotherhood followers between 1963 and 1984. Reference 1:أحداث_حماه_عام_1964


As a result of the politically motivated teachings of Qutb and Abdul Wahhab’s, the modern Middle East has been disgracefully deprived from much needed political and economic stabilities. As part of its organizational structure, the Muslim Brotherhood had a secret militancy department whose function is to plan, organize, and execute cups, assassinations and reptilians against their local governments.

Armed Groups Form of Destabilization
More importantly, the sovereignty, stability and security of any nation is near impossible, where armed groups actively plotting against their nations from within or outside of its borders. Muslim countries such as Morocco, Malaysia, Indonesia who were not contaminated with the Salafi/Wahhabi, and other politically motivated extremist, have been ever since, successful, on the road of progress. Today, these nations are far more developed and advanced among the third world nations. Safety and stability are essential grounds for civilization to take place. Such important understanding, was not strange to our earlier popular Muslim nations. For instance, when the security and sovereignty of the Ummah was in question, Prophet Muhammad and the Second Caliph, Omar Ibn al-Khattab, in their respective reigns responded by dismantling the militants in Medina and Khaybar, in the case of the Prophet Muhammad, and by ordering the people of Najran to exile to Iraq, the case of Omar Ibn al-Khattab. See